Root Camp
ROOT CAMP originated in Camden's Parkside neighborhood, Root Camp provides free gardening workshops both in person as well as virtual with online tutorials provided by Free Haven Farms. The variety of information presented is useful to both beginners and those interested in improving the quantity and quality of produce needed to either use at home or earn an income. The course features instructors from a variety of partner organizations and institutions to offer a wide range of expertise and perspectives.
ROOT CAMP offers a variety of in-person workshops, demonstrations, and events.
Contact Travis Spotts (856.964.0440) to learn more!
Virtual Programming
Free Haven Farms
Ask The Farmer
Have any questions about growing or selling your fruits and vegetables? We invite you to ‘Ask The Farmer’ any questions related to gardening here!
Ask any questions in the space provided here, or leave a detailed voice message and receive an answer to your questions via email. All responses will be saved for website subscribers to view at any point.