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Food Bucks Rx
FOOD BUCKS Rx (FBRx) are part of Virtua's Eat Well Food Farmacy. Eligible patients are prescribed free produce and nonperishable groceries that because of RTP, are redeemable outside of healthcare clinics and within Camden neighborhoods. Since the start of 2021, patients are redeeming their FBRx vouchers at seven local corner stores for added convenience. Because of Virtua’s subsidy, some of Camden food growers are already selling produce to Virtua for this program.
Redemption Locations
The RTP collaboration has created a prescribed Food Bucks (FBRx) for patients and their families to bring home. This means patients can redeem items like fresh produce at more convenient locations including participating corner stores and mobile grocer services operated by Virtua. This effort involves the help of the Healthy Corner Store Network, a program created and managed by the Food Trust.