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There are a number of ways you can get involved with Roots to Prevention. To start, sign up to be a member (free to do) and enjoy our free virtual programs and receive up-to-date details about programs and activities. We operate a Resident Advisory Board, offer volunteer opportunities throughout the year, as well as manage a series of resident qualitative studies that compensate for time.
Upcoming Events

Come Out and Help:
RTP and its partners host a variety of volunteer events that help maintain, improve and even expand our food-growing facilities. We work with youth organizations, corporate employees, and non-profits to strengthen social ties between urban agriculture, Camden residents and the Delaware Valley Region.
Data Collection
Resident and Grower Surveys:
RTP maintains a data collection and data sharing initiative. Since 2019, RTP has collected quantitative and qualitative data in three studies:

We are recruiting for our next study!
FBRx Emergency Room Study: Quantitative study to examine the impact of adding food bucks to an Accountable Health Communities Communities (AHC) telephonic navigator. Intervention occurring in Camden emergency departments for food insecure patients with chronic conditions and high ED utilization. RTP is providing food bucks to patients in $20 increments over a 6-month timeframe.
FBRx Outpatient Study: Conducted by Virtua Health, this study combines distribution of FBRx vouchers to patients for use at local participating corner stores with their current food pantry program. Rowan University is measuring this impact on produce consumption and change in chronic disease status among a panel of patients who receive $30 in Food Bucks per month as well as 1 bag of fresh produce once monthly (7-10 meals). RTP is also aligning with measures from a national funding partner, the USDA GusNIP National Evaluation Center who are experts in food access evaluations.
Grower Study: Qualitative study that focuses on collecting data from a small group of urban farmers across two growing seasons. A set of questions are asked to the growers to examine the interest and purpose for growing including the potential financial impact. Data on the growing needs and resources are also gathered. Participants are compensated with gift cards at the completion of their pre and post survey.